Snorting cocaine has been reported to cause a variety of negative physical effects, such as a runny nose, loss of smell, nosebleeds, and difficulty swallowing.
Injecting cocaine can hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases, and increases the risk for contracting the HIV/AIDS virus.
Most of the cocaine that is distributed in the United States is quickly converted to cocaine hydrochloride in Mexico.
Cocaine came under strict control in the United States during the early 1900's with the Harrison Narcotic Act; it was at this point that the drug was listed as a narcotic and a potentially dangerous drug.
Cocaine has not yet been classified as a narcotic, but the use of the drug has been subject to the same penalties as those for morphine, and heroin.
As cocaine is passed from the importer to the user, it is commonly diluted at each different stage of distribution in order to increase each dealer's amount of profit.
Some of the most common additives to cocaine include sugars, cornstarch and baking soda; all of these substances are commonly reported to be used in cutting cocaine.
Other types of illicit drugs, such as heroin, amphetamine, and codeine have been reported to be mixed with cocaine during the manufacturing process.
When a cocaine user snorts the drug, they place a line of coke on a smooth surface, such as a glass mirror or any flat surface.
Most individuals that snort cocaine will inhale the drug into their nostril quickly through a plastic or glass straw or a rolled up currency bill, and then repeat this ritual in the other nostril.
Toxic reactions, including death have been reported when individuals have taken cocaine by mouth for recreational purposes, or in those individuals who have swallowed the drug in order to try to avoid law enforcement detection.
In order for cocaine to be freebased or smoked, it has to be almost 100% pure, and must be free of any types of additional additives.
During the conversion process, a person who chooses to freebase cocaine runs the risk of being badly burned, as highly volatile solvents are used during this dangerous process.
Crack cocaine is commonly referred to as "rock" on the streets of the U.S. and is commonly sold in plastic vials; it is by far the most common form of cocaine that is sold in lower income urban areas across this country.
Individuals who have a cocaine addiction may commit unspeakable acts in order to obtain this highly addictive drug; there have been reports of cocaine addicts selling their children in order to be able get more of the drug.
When an individual snorts cocaine, its effects will generally peak within 30-45 minutes of use, but the effects can last up to 3 hours.
Deaths have occurred when as little as 25 mg. of cocaine has been applied to the individual's mucous membrane; people have also been reported to die as the result of snorting a single line of cocaine.